Świetna recenzja naszego debiutanckiego krążka "Lumière” w magazynie jazzowym “The Walker’s Vol.29
Masayuki Koito odpowiedzialny za recenzję, przesłał mi tłumaczenie z japońskiego na angielski.
Beautiful Piano & Bass Duo from Poland
It sounds like the feeling of Japanese wabi-sabi*… the exquisite timbre they create from piano and double bass seeming to understand this aesthetic. On listening to this album, you will see the cover artwork reveal itself almost as a beautiful and historical Japanese-style drawing with special Indian-ink.
“Lumiere” is an album by duo “Opalinska & Whates” which takes film music as its theme. Featuring Polish pianist Mira Opalinska and British double bassist Douglas Whates, I was not only drawn to this album by its arrangements of two pieces from my favourite film “Cinema Paradiso”, but also by the fantastic sound. I was equally fascinated by the appearance of to two pieces from the Japanese films “Rikyu” and “Tokyo.Sora”. The duo’s sound is beautiful and explores the tension between stillness and motion. A really nice duo which I hope to see and hear live.
On my list of great recommendations, this album is currently under preparation for release in Japan in Japanese edition.
(*) “Wabi-sabi” = aesthetic sense in Japanese art emphasizing quiet simplicity and subdued refinement.
Przyznam się, że trochę mnie duma rozpiera widząc recenzję "Lumière" w magazynie "Jazz Life"—to japoński odpowiednik takich magazynów jak Jazz Times czy Downbeat.
Tłumaczenie z japońskiego na angielski:
“There are no superfluous notes on this album; everything Mira Opalinska and Douglas Whates play is selected with a profound sense of beauty. Among the pieces performed are compositions by Krzysztof Komeda, Toru Takemitsu, and a couple of beautiful selections from the movie ‘Cinema Paradiso‘—their interplay on these tunes presented with a reverential elegance.
Album Lumière jako jeden z pięciu ulubionych płyt 2012, obok takich sław jak Piotr Baron czy Pink Freud ""My Jazz Best Album" 2012.
A dla jeszcze większego zadowolenia zdjęcie, które wpadło mi w ręce, w sieci... nasz debiut jako "Jazz Best Seller" w Disk Union w Tokio (największym muzycznym sklepie na świecie!)
14 December 2012